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ICPR Guest Edited Blog 4: Peer Researcher Blog – ‘Our experience is second to none: we’ve rode that ride, haven’t we?’

October 1st, 2024|0 Comments

By Jeanette, Nick, Pottsy, Anthony and Charlie In the fourth blog of this series, peer researchers working on our Lived Experience of the Law  project reflect upon how they are finding the project, their experience of peer research and the [...]

  • Visual Representation of social networks of community connections and advice seeking

The role of communities and connections in social welfare legal advice

September 30th, 2024|0 Comments

Dr Sarah Nason, Bangor University The need for social welfare legal (SWL) advice has been increasing, with Covid and the cost-of-living crisis exacerbating existing issues and precipitating new problems. This increase in need is set against cuts to services and [...]

  • Grey human head with top half missing, with red heart in it.

Trauma-informed legal services and legal education

September 20th, 2024|0 Comments

Helgi Maki, Co-editor and Co-author with Marjorie Florestal, Myrna McCallum and J. Kim Wright of Trauma-Informed Law: A Primer for Practicing Lawyers and a Pathway for Resilience and Healing, ABA Book Publishing, Law Practice Division, 2023 Overview Trauma-informed legal services [...]

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The Future of Law: The Essential Role of Human Oversight in AI-Driven Decision-Making

September 6th, 2024|0 Comments

Ammar Zafar, PhD Candidate, University of Liverpool, School of Law Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the legal sector signifies a significant shift from traditional, labour-intensive methods to a more efficient, technology-driven approach. This transformation goes beyond mere convenience; it represents [...]

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