Members of the REF2021 expert panels will be appointed through a nominations process. As an association with a clear interest in the conduct, quality, funding and wider benefits of publicly-funded research, the SLSA has been invited to nominate individuals for panel membership.

The funding bodies are seeking nominations of candidates from a diverse range of backgrounds, institution types and geographical region. They particularly welcome nominations of candidates from groups previously under-represented on assessment panels, including women, people from black and ethnic minority backgrounds, and disabled people.

The funding bodies are seeking nominations for candidates to be:

  • additional main panel members (with expertise in leading, commissioning or making use of interdisciplinary research, leading research internationally, or senior level experience in the commissioning, use or wider benefits of research)
  • sub-panel members and assessors (including practising researchers, individuals with expertise in commissioning, applying or making use of research, and interdisciplinary advisers).

When making nominations the SLSA are required to submit a range of information about each nominated individual. We are also required to consider equality and diversity issues and report on how we have taken these into account in our nominations process.

Whilst many of our members are likely to have research submitted to the Law sub-panel (UoA 18), we are aware that there are socio-legal scholars whose research is more likely to be returned to other, allied panels, including UoA 20 (Social Work and Social Policy) and UoA 21 (Sociology). We will consider nominations across these disciplinary boundaries as appropriate.

The SLSA Executive Committee have established the following REF2021 Nominations Process:

Following receipt of expressions of interest in nomination, the SLSA Executive Committee will consider all expressions of interest. Final nomination decisions will be made bearing in mind the need to consider and nominate a wide range of individuals from across the diversity of the socio-legal research community.